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Saturday, January 25, 2025

What We Know About Flidais From Irish Mythology

 Things we know about Flidais from Irish mythology:

- her epithet is Foltchaoin "soft haired"
- she has 4 daughters according to the Lebor Gabala Erenn: Arden, Dinand, Bé Chuille, and Bé Teite
- Fand is also her daughter according to the Metrical Dindshenchas
- her son is Nia Segamain according to the Banshenchus which also says her husband's name was Adammair
- same source says that she gave her son power to milk deer as if they were cows:
"Flidaise Foltcháin, that is, Flidais the queen, one of the Tuath Dé Danann, 'tis she was wife of Adammair son of Fer Cuirp; and from her Buar Flidaise ('Flidais's cattle') is said,
Nia Ségamain, that is, ség 'deer' is a máin 'his treasure'; for during his time cows and does were milked in the same way every day, so to him beyond the other monarchs great was the treasure of these things. And it is that Flidais (above-named) who was mother of Nia Ségamain son of Adammair; and in Nia Ségamain's reign those cattle were milked, that is, double cattle, cows and does, were milked in the time of Nia Ségamain, and it was his mother that gave him that fairy power."
- she possesses a magical cow which can feed 300 men in a single milking or an entire army in a week (Táin Bó Cúailgne and Táin Bó Flidais)
- according to the Banshenchus: "Though slender she destroyed young men. She decreed hard close fighting."
- in the Táin Bó Flidais she was the lover of Fergus mac Roich, who otherwise needed 7 women to satisfy him
Image is a statue of Flidais made by Via Hedera circa 2013 (?)

What We Know About Brighid From Mythology

 This is the first in a new series I'm going to be doing sharing information on various deities from Irish mythology, focused on what the mythology itself tells us. This won't include modern beliefs or folklore, but hopefully will help people understand the foundational material we are working with. 

Things we know about the Irish goddess Brighid from mythology:
- her father is the Dagda (LGE & SC)
- she had a son named Ruadán via the half-Fomorian king Bres (CMT)
- she *may* have had three other sons, Brian, Iuchar, and Iucharba, with Tuireann (Grey references this as marginalia on a text; see Gray's CMT notes)
- alternately she may have had three [other] sons with Bres: Brian, Luchar, and Uar (IidT)
- she possessed a variety of animals described as 'kings' of their respective species including a ram, boar, and oxen; these animals would cry out when violations occured in Ireland (LGE)
- she invented a whistle to alert at night (CMT)
- she was the first person to caoin/keen in Ireland after her son Ruadán was killed (CMT)
- she was strongly associated with poetry and poets (CMT notes, SC, LGE, IidT)
- she may have been understood as a group of three sisters: a poet, smith, and healer (SC)
CMT - Cath Maige Tuired
LGE - Lebor Gabala Erenn
SC - Sanas Cormaic (folk etymologies, so take with a grain of salt. Throw out his claim that her name was 'fiery arrow' completely)
IidT - Imcallam in da Thurad

Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 year in review

As we are wrapping up 2024 I wanted to share what I've been doing this year, work-wise. For people who are interested in making a career of being an author this may give some insight into how that works for me. For everyone else it will just show you what I'm doing as someone for whom this is a primary career. 

I had three articles published:
“The Good Neighbors: Fairies in an Irish and Scottish Cultural Context” (revised) FIS Newsletter January 2024
“Humans and the World of Fairy” Witch magazine, issue 42, Beltane 2024
“The Otherworld and the Tides of the Year” Pagan Dawn, Beltane 2024, no 231
with an additional one "Fairies in a new Millenia”  coming out in the next issue of Watkins Mind Body Spirit  Magazine
I also wrote 8 guest articles for the Irish Pagan School: 
“Brighid, Saint Brigid, and Bride, What Do we Really Know?” IPS blog, February 2024
“Irish gods Names Unraveling Folk Etymologies” IPS blog February 2024
“Medb, Mestruation, and Creation” IPS blog February 2024
“Myths and Truths of Saint Patrick” IPS blog March 2024
“Yeats and Irish Folklore” IPS blog April 2024
“Who Is the Irish God of Death?” IPS blog June 2024
“Áine Goddess and Fairy Queen” IPS blog June 2024
“Tailtiu and the Origins of Lúnasa” IPS blog August 2024

Academic Papers
I presented one paper this year “Tenants of Hell: Fairies, the Devil, and Folk Belief in Early Modern Scotland” at the Devils and Justified Sinners conference 

I contributed to one anthology which was published this year “Theosophy and the Cottingley Fairies: the reshaping of Fairy belief in the early 20th century”, Cottingley Fairy Book, 2024, as well as writing two other pieces for books that are still in process. 

Books (nonfiction)
I had four books published this year, two of which were revised or combined older work: 
Fairy: the Otherworld by Many Names 2024
The Fairy Faith for Children, 2024 (revised from a Child’s Eye View of the Fairy Faith)
Moon Books Duets: The Morrigan & Raven Queen 2024
Celtic Fairies in North America, 2024
These represent, mostly, books that were written last year and published this year because there is usually a 12 to 14 month space between my writing it and my publisher releasing it. On that note this year I have written 4 non-fiction books which will release next year or early 2026.

Books (fiction) 
Its been a quiet year for fiction work for me, barring several short stories that were done for a private audience. I did however write one novel Chasing Sunset for my Between the Worlds urban fantasy series. I am currently working on the next book in the series, but am unsure when that will release. 

Finally I spoke at 5 events or conferences, both in person and online:
Mystic South 2024 (Headliner)
Mooncon 2024
Ancestral Pathways conference 2024 (Headliner)
Bewitching the Waters symposium 2024
Fulacht na Morrigna charity event 2024

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Recommended Fairy Resources

 I'm asked fairly often to recommend resources for studying or working with fairies, so I've tried to put together a list of my own favourites. This is by no means an exhaustive list but I feel like its thorough and it covers all my preferred go-to options, from books to online material. My own focus is Irish and secondarily Scottish, so the majority of my sources here lean into that, but I cast a wide net.


I'm going to break the book section down into three parts: academic, folklore, and practice. Again this isn't meant to be every possible option, but the main ones I'd recommend, and a solid starting place. A warning though: the academic books are often expensive and sometimes difficult to find.

Anything by Claude Lecouteux, Simon Young, Katherine Briggs, or Emma Wilby.
Joshua Cutchin's work is good if you are looking for more modern material or crossover with cryptid and UFO beliefs.
Elf Queens and Holy Friars by Richard Firth Green
Scottish Fairy Beliefs by Henderson and Cowan
The Good People edited by Narvaez
The Exeter Companion to Fairies, Nereids, Trolls and Other Social Supernatural Beings edited by Young and Ermacora
Magical Folk edited by Young and Houlbrook
At The Bottom Of The Garden by Diane Purkiss
Strange and Secret Peoples by Carole Silver
The Secret Commonwealth and the Fairy Belief Complex by Brian Walsh
The Supernatural in Early Modern Scotland edited by Goodare and McGill
Elves in Anglo-Saxon England by Alaric Hall

Books by Eddie Lenihan
Tales of the Wicklow Hills by Richard Marsh
Away With The Fairies by William Henry
Hildur Queen of the Elves by JM Bedell

The Fairy Faith in Ireland by Lora O'Brien
Anything by Daniela Simina
Elves, Witches, and Gods by Catherine Heath (Norse)
Welsh Fairies by Mhara Starling

And of course I have a wide range of books myself (as well as blogs, articles, and a youtube channel for variety)

Online Resources:
Kin Fables by Five Knights Productions is an excellent series of short independent films (fictional) with fairy themes
Dr. Jenny Butler gives a great interview on youtube about Irish Fairy Lore
There's also this short video of a modern fairy encounter that I recommend people watch.
Michael Fortune has a wonderful series of videos on Irish folklore, some of which focus on fairy beliefs. These are must watch in my opinion.
Ronan Kelly's Ireland has an episode 'Pat's East Galway Fairies' that also worth a watch.
You can find a short series of videos by Eddie Lenihan on youtube, as well as several older videos of varying quality, and I suggest watching them all. Lenihan is a well known story teller in Ireland and he has fought in the past to keep a fairy tree from being destroyed for the sake of a road.
There is also an excellent older documentary on the Fairy Faith which touches on beliefs in both Ireland & the UK as well as in Canada.

Fiction and Poetry
Charmingly Antiquated on Tumblr has a great comic about a university taken over by the Fey.
Five Knights Productions also has a graphic novel series titled Kin available online
Rosamund Hodge has an excellent short story online called 'A Guide for Young Ladies Entering the Service of the Fairies'
Lora O'Brien's 'The Fairy Lover' is a fascinating look at the Leannán Sidhe, and 'The Banshee in Italy' is worth a read for certain.
Author Jennifer Lawrence has several excellent pieces online including 'Tam Lin's Garden' and 'Rebuttal: The Faerie Queen's Reply' that represent good, modern takes on the story of Tam Lin

Professor Ashliman of the University of Pittsburgh has a very useful site called 'Folktexts' that I recommend people checking out as a solid online non-fiction resource
Another great non-fiction source is the folklore site There is a great deal of fairylore to be found there, although in fairness not all has been transcribed into English.
Another good option is Circle Stories on facebook, which doesn't post exclusively about fairies but has some really solid material on the topic interspersed in.
For those with a more British focus Alexander Cummins excellent series 'The Rain Will Make a Door' is a great option. On that subject I'd also recommend John Kruse's British Fairies website.
Beachcombing Bizarre History is a site that often touches on fairies and is very high quality material.

The website Tam Lin Balladry has collected and annotated various versions of the ballad of Tam Lin as well as several other fairy ballads. The notes on the texts are worth checking out alone but the collection of versions is impressive. has an extensive amount of fairy material - far too much for me to list individually here, but I encourage people to check out articles there by Simon Young, Chris Woodyard, or Sabina Magliocco to start.

For the Norse based folks and for more practical material I'd suggest Seo Helrune

Audio Resources and Music
Bluirni Bealoidis has a great podcast focused on fairies titled 'Fairy Forts in Folk Tradition'
Motherfoclóir has a podcast episode 'Don't F*** with Fairy Forts' that's excellent.
The BBC program 'In Our Time' has an episode titled 'Fairies' that presents a variety of views on the subject
There's a large array of songs that could be recommended, of course, but below I'll offer a selection of some that keep with the more traditional views.
Heather Dale, "The Changeling Child' and 'The Maiden and the Selkie'
Mor Gwyddelig's version of Buain a Rainich is very good and bilingual.
There's also several good versions of Tha Mi Sgith or A Fairy's Love Song.
Coyote Run has a very good take on fairy lore with their song 'Finnean's Dance'
Some of the old ballads can be listened to as well such as 'Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight' and 'Tam Lin'.
I'll end with one of my favorites songs with a fairy theme, Finvarra's 'Kelpie/Cliffs of Moher'

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Is It A Fairy?

    Categorizing spirits is always a messy business, and also one that is rarely entirely agreed on. Nonetheless I think its helpful to have some general idea of what qualifies something as a fairy versus something else, especially given how nuanced this subject is. The simplest answer is that when it comes to folklore, generally if the storyteller or person who experienced it calls it a fairy then its a fairy.  However this gets complicated quickly because people experiencing fairies today are often doing so outside of the cultural framework the beliefs come from and this leads to some confusion, where a being is labelled a fairy because the person relating the experience doesn't have any other term available to them, whether or not 'fairy' actually seems to apply.
   So what then makes something a fairy?

   According to the dictionary a fairy is a mythic or folkloric being, human-like in appearance, with magic powers. This definition is not exactly either helpful or precise. If you really want to fully immerse in the subject I'd suggest Katherine Briggs' work or Henderson and Cowan's Scottish Fairy Belief, which tackle the twisting definitions across history and the general qualifications that might apply. Simon Young in his book 'The Boggart' also dives into this, and may be particularly of interest to those curious about the English folk belief side of things. 

    I'm going to give a short list of 'fairy' criteria, then dig a bit deeper into it. These 7 criteria are based on my own observations across decades of studying the subject, and I feel they do a decent job of differentiating a fairy from the wider range of general spirits.

 Basic criteria:
1 Not an angel, demon, or ghost
2 Can have physicality/ interact in a tangible way with the human world and can also be incorporeal
3 Does not lie
4 Preference for dairy products
5 Come from and can travel to a different reality, aka the world of Fairy
6 Can profoundly impact human health/luck/finances
7 May physically steal items/animals/people

   There are other qualities but they overlap too much with other types of spirits to be useful. For example many (not all) fairies are averse to iron, but so are demons and ghosts in folklore. Fairies are sometimes said to interfere with electronic devices, but so do ghosts. Fairies have a kind of magic, called glamour, that can distort human perceptions, but there are other kinds of spirits that can also create illusions or mess with a human's perceptions of reality. So anything like that has been eliminated and the list focuses on things that are either unique to fairies or a hallmark characteristic found ubiquitously across folk belief. 

A more thorough look:
1 Not an angel, demon, or ghost - fairies are often identified by process of elimination as much as anything else. Specific types of spirits are ruled out and what we are left with may be a fairy. This includes categories like angels, demons, and human ghosts. Despite folklore often lumping fairies in with angels or demons they have always been understood as a distinct category of their own as well. Even in early modern Scottish belief where fairies were heavily demonized, they were still seen as a distinct group different from the demons of Hell. In the same way even though humans who died or were thought to have died are often sited among the Good Neighbours, these beings are consdiered fairies rather than human ghosts and display behaviour and qualities aligned with fairies rather than ghosts. 
2 Can have physicality/ interact in a tangible way with the human world and can also be incorporeal - one particular quality found of fairies across folk belief is the idea that they can be physical within the human world or can be insubstantial at their own will. Reverend Robert Kirk discusses this in his 1691 work 'The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies', describing the Good Folk as having bodies like condensed clouds, which the fairies can make appear or disappear. A German folk story related by Jabob Grimm in volume 4 of his Teutonic Mythology tells of an elf woman who entered a home through a knothole, like mist, then became physical enough to marry the man who lived there and give him 4 children before leaving again the way she'd entered. 
3 Does not lie - one significant difference noted for fairies which is at odds with many other kinds of spirits is that fairies are reputed never to tell verbal lies. It is unclear exactly why this is, although Gerald of Wales writing in the 12th century claims fairies have no god but 'worship truth alone and hate falsehoods', so perhaps that is part of why (and also shows how old this idea is). Briggs explains this in her 'A Dictionary of Fairies saying, "Even bad fairies did not lie, they only equivocated.". Fairies can mislead a human easily with semantics and implied meanings, but they don't outright speak untruths. 
4 Preference for dairy products - one thing that seems to be almost universally true is that fairies have a strong preference for dairy products across folk belief. Typically this means milk, cream, or butter. The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries describes a practice of leaving both milk and butter for the fairies: "Whatever milk falls on the ground in milking a cow is taken by the fairies, for fairies need a little milk. Also, after churning, the knife which is run through the butter in drying it must not be scraped clean, for what sticks to it belongs to the fairies. Out of three pounds of butter, for example, an ounce or two would be left for the fairies.". This is one example out of many, but shows the idea of dairy being something fairies especially wanted. Many Irish folk stories discuss fairies stealing milk, even from cows in the field, and interfering with or taking butter. 
5 Come from and can travel to a different reality, aka the world of Fairy - this one is perhaps a bit obvious, but worth mentioning nonetheless. The word fairy was originally a word used to describe a place, the land of Fairy, and the magic of that place, which was later applied to the beings thought to inhabit that world. These beings are believed to have an inborn ability to travel between their world and the human world, which they do for various reasons. Outside the English language speaking cultures in places like Ireland or Wales there were terms in those languages that conveyed a similar concept, a distinct world that these beings came from and could travel to. 
6 Can profoundly impact human health/luck/finances - although fairies are not the only spirits who can impact human lives this way, doing so is one of their main characteristics across folk belief. On the positive side they can heal, give good luck, or bring wealth to a human they favour, while on the negative side they can cause illness, madness, death, bad luck, or financial ruin. If they are a fairy they can do these things, if they can't do these things they aren't a fairy. 
7 May physically steal items/animals/people - a final criteria to note is that fairies have the ability - and are well known to do this - to physically take things or people they want. Whereas other spirits may be able to move an object the fairies will actually take it completely, so that it disappears often to reappear later in an entirely improbable or impossible place. Campbell describes this phenomena in his 'Superstitions of the Highlands And Islands of Scotland:
"The elves are also blamed for lifting with them articles mislaid. These are generally restored as mysteriously and unaccountably as they were taken away. Thus, a woman blamed the elves for taking her thimble. It was placed beside her, and when looked for could not be found. Some time after she was sitting alone on the hillside and found the thimble in her lap. This confirmed her belief in its being the fairies that took it away. In a like mysterious manner a person's bonnet might be whipped off his head, or the pot for supper be lifted off the fire, and left by invisible hands on the middle of the floor."
Additionally the fairies might steal an animal or a person rather than an object. Cows were regular targets of fairy theft, often seeming to sicken and die while they were believed to be taken into the fairy realm. In the same way humans might be outright taken, or might be replaced with a changeling which would obscure the theft. The belief was that the animal or human was literally taken out of the human world and into the world of Fairy. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Theosophy and the Cottingley Fairies: the reshaping of fairy belief in the early 20th century

 This article was written for and published in 'The Cottingley Fairy Photographs: New Approaches to Fairies, Fakes, and Folklore'. After the book's publication it was released on and shared for patrons only on my Patreon. I am now making it public on both my patreon and my blog. I encourage people who find this subject interesting to read the book which contains a variety of articles looking at the Cottingley hoax from different angles.

This text is my unedited original; the published versions contains some minor differences.

Theosophy and the Cottingley Fairies: the reshaping of fairy belief in the early 20th century

By Morgan Daimler



The understanding of fairies in England that would have existed, particularly among children, in the early 20th century was shaped by a confluence of cultural factors which pervaded the late 19th and early 20th century and which reshaped the popular idea of fairies away from potentially malevolent, often human-sized beings and into twee butterfly winged sprites. This transformation was mainly influenced by Theosophy, Victorian popular ideas about fairies, and the early Edwardian romanticism of both childhood and the fairies which came to represent it. This reshaped belief, particularly popular among children, influenced not only the Cottingley photos but also their reception and the wider narrative around them which played into the expectations of the time.


Folkloric Fairies

The fairies that populate both folk belief and older literature are beings that can be helpful or dangerous, that enchant and terrify, that are intrinsically bound to humanity yet equally intrinsically foreign to humanity. They exist in different environments, across cultures, with a variety of personalities and habits, and in a wide range of forms[1]. The term itself, although falling out of favour, was for a long period used as a catchall word, an English term that was applied to both other languages in translation as well as used in a generic sense; more specific words are favoured today. The fairies of England are also beings who each generation claims as a relic of the past and yet persist in belief so that across 400 years they have always lingered into the new generation[2]. They are perpetually leaving and yet never gone, beings that persist in folk belief and in literature, and which show a remarkable adaptability in their persistence. Fairies in folklore are the fodder of other media, and have always been so, yet they have rarely faced greater changes than have been seen since the end of the Victorian era which re-envisioned them and changed them from terrors in the night which might be used to ensure children’s good behaviour into a child’s imaginary friend. Instead of warding the nursery with iron to keep them out, parents instead invited the fairies in as entertainment, filling bookshelves and picture frames with cavorting winged children. This tension between the folkloric fairies and those that would come to overtake popular culture is aptly illustrated in Kipling’s 1906 ‘Puck of Pook’s Hill’ where the eponymous Puck both avows that the fairies have all left England while also proclaiming, in the present tense, “Can you wonder that the People of the Hills don’t want to be confused with that painty-winged, wand-waving, sugar-and-shake-your-head set of imposters? Butterfly wings indeed!”[3].


Theosophical Fairies

Theosophy was a powerful influence on the way that popular culture in the early 20th century would understand fairies, moving away from the wider, cultural folkloric views and into a popular culture understanding that permeated the world of Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths during the period in which the Cottingley photographs were taken and published and has persisted through today. A spiritual movement that blended different contemporary occult ideas, Theosophy was begun in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky who freely borrowed ideas from various religions and spiritualities and merged them into her own personal theories. One aspect of this included fairies, who Blavatsky redefined to fit her wider ideas about the nature of reality.

The fairies of theosophy drew, to some small degree, from ideas laid out in the 15th century by an alchemist named Paracelsus who described elemental spirit which included a variety of beings usually considered fairies or falling under the wider umbrella of the concept[4],[5]. Fairies as actually understood in Theosophy though relied very little on precedent and instead leaned heavily into Blavatsky’s own theories of these beings, interchangeably referred to as nature spirits and elementals, which she described as less evolved souls seeking to eventually gain human incarnation and which were incapable of either true physical form or of higher intelligence[6]. This formed the basis of the wider Theosophical understanding of fairies, under any specific name, as both spirits of nature and as elemental forces which embody a particular natural element like earth or water, because all specific types of fairy beings are seen as cultural interpretations of a universal concept[7]. While Paracelsus’s elementals were or could be humanoid and capable of interacting with humans, even of reproducing with humans, Theosophy’s fairies or elementals were shaped by human perception, were intangible, and simplistic. They were, effectively, the embodiment of an aspect of nature which is seeking to evolve into human consciousness and form. They were also largely limited to their element, belonging to one of three elemental kingdoms that are seeking to evolve first into mineral then on into further more elaborate states until humanity is achieved[8].

This new spirituality was built on the bones of those that had come before, but unlike many other religions or occult traditions Theosophy attempted to anchor the fantastic within the rational. Theosophy envisioned itself as a merging of science and religion which sought to explain the supernatural within a wholly natural framework, to approach religion through science and science through religion[9]. This approach reflected wider ideas of the time, where folk belief was explained as a misunderstanding of natural phenomena rather than as genuine belief in something intangible. Changelings were rationalized away as children born with down syndrome, the fairy stroke that paralysed became the cerebral haemorrhage, and the fairies of Theosophy were explained as creatures of light and vibration which existed just beyond human perception.

Theosophy was popular with various prominent figures connected to the promotion of fairy beliefs of the time, most notably William Butler Yeats and George William Russell, both of whom promoted Irish fairy folklore to a wider audience, as well as WY Evans Wentz who sought explanations for who and what fairies were[10]. This reflected a contemporary union of occult spirituality and fairy belief that reflected a wider cynicism and yearning for simpler times coupled with a desire to believe[11]. Theosophist ideas moved fairies away from tangible reality and into the realm of imagination and mental perception, and the theories around elemental beings anchored them within the natural world, placing them within the realm of science. Those who followed Blavatsky in leading Theosophical thought further refined and delineated her ideas of these beings, describing both good and bad elemental spirits, and tying them firmly to fairies by using that term, as well as more specific ones such as kelpie or dryad, interchangeably with elementals[12]. Theosophy’s obsession with elementals impacted the wider cultural concept of fairies by changing them from the dangerous possessors of the forest into the protectors of the forest[13].


Victorian fairies

Victorian fairies in England were the result of various factors, including the previous literary adaptation of fairies coming out of earlier periods which miniaturized them, 19th century attempts to categorize fairies with science, and the effect of fiction and art which both infantilized fairies and placed them firmly within a romanticized notion of nature. This period is one of the most pivotal points in how popular culture would come to view fairies, with a surge in interest in romanticized folklore, nature, and entertainment. The fairies of folk belief became subjects of twee retellings and fairies more generally were rewritten and redefined away from dangerous and powerful beings and into the fodder of children's stories and art.

The earliest appearance of a tiny fairy can be found in Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, completed in 1597, in which he describes a fairy queen named Mab as ‘'In shape no bigger than an agate stone; On the forefinger of an alderman'[14]. Shakespeare also describes the connection between fairies and insects in this work where his miniscule Mab rides in a wagon built from insect parts including spiders’ legs and grasshoppers’ wings. In 1627 this imagery was furthered in Michael Drayton’s poem ‘Nymphidia’ which describes the fairies of the English fairy court as tiny beings who can fit in flowers, use parts of insects and bats to build with, and contests against bees. This reflected cultural fascination with the miniature and an ongoing disempowering of folkloric fairies in literature, best described by Diane Purkiss: ‘The Elizabethans and even more so the Jacobeans loved the miniature. In their hands, fairies shrank to tininess.’ and ‘Reducing the other to miniature scale reduces it to manageability too, making it laughable.’[15]. This miniaturization was combined with a Romanticism of nature filtered through the esoteric view of fairies as elemental spirits, as described by the 15th century alchemist Paracelsus, to produce the earth and air fairies which would gain popularity in literature and art. This in turn formed the groundwork of the later Victorian understanding of fairies as small nature spirits.

The Victorian fairy stories not only emphasized the smallness of these beings but also their overall powerlessness, limiting their abilities to the garden and plants or trees more generally. This theme of powerlessness or limited ability to affect humans, as with the wider theme of miniaturization, can also be traced back into earlier periods of English literature. Pope’s 1712 ‘Rape of the Lock’ includes small, relatively powerless fairies and William’s Blake subsequent 18th and 19th century works also describe small fairies. Moving into the Victorian era these diminished, safer fairies were taken out of adult literature and framed for an audience of children, reducing fairies not only into the realm of insects but also moralizing them into goodness and infantilizing them so that they became both innocent and childlike. As Carole Silver explains it: ‘As the elfin peoples became staples of children's literature, the perception grew that they themselves were childish....Some of the tales promoted a false set of conventions, one that made the fairies tiny and harmless - moral guides for children or charming little pets - and a tradition of sentimentalization and idealization developed.’[16]

JM Barrie’s 1904 play ‘Peter and Wendy’ and subsequent 1911 novel ‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ presents fairies that are in-line with these ideas: small, childlike, and with limited powers; Tinker Bell can aid Peter Pan in some ways but when she seeks to harm Wendy can only do so with the unwitting help of the Lost Boys. On stage in the play Tinker Bell was depicted as an indistinct ball of light who communicated through the sound of bells, existing largely through Peter Pan's perception and translation[17]. While slightly postdating the Cottingley fairy photos, Cicely Mary Barkers’s flower fairies nicely typify the culmination of these influences, with a range of art that depicted fairies as childlike figures clothed in the flowers or plants they were associated with. The tiny, glowing, nature-bound fairy may well be understood as the conglomeration of all of these influences into the 20th century. As Katherine Briggs aptly summarizes this overall rewriting of fairies as tiny and winged, ‘When [fairies] were given butterfly and dragonfly wings they were reduced to almost the status of insects, and in the sheltered days of the early twentieth century every care was taken to render them unalarming.’[18]


 Post-Victorian Fairies

As the Edwardian era advanced from the Victorian and English culture wrestled with the trauma of the first world war fairies came to embody all that was innocent, symbolic of an idealized existence full of dance, art, and joy[19]. These fairies were depicted, as in the Cottingley photos or Cicely Mary Barker’s artwork, as tiny, pre-pubescent children with butterfly-like wings who might cause some small mischief but mostly passed their time cavorting in nature and celebrating life. This understanding, if not the imagery, combined both the Theosophical ideas of fairies as less evolved spirits with childlike morals and minds, as well as the Victorian ideas about fairies as the purview of children. The connection to nature and wild places had also become firm within the wider imagination echoing the romanticism for an idyllic past that pervaded a now industrialized culture.

Fairies of this new, modern type, can be found across an array of anecdotal accounts including those of Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths as well in both Marjorie Johnson’s mid-20th century ‘Seeing Fairies’ and The Fairy Investigation Soceity’s 21st century ‘Fairy Census’, demonstrating the indelible mark that these influences have had in sharp contrast to the view of fairies as human-sized and dangerous beings. The Cottingley fairy photographs and attached story played into various interests of the post World War 1 period and embraced a desire for a return to innocence and to an idealized English culture and offered an escape from the modern world and into whimsy[20]. Fairies during this period were creatures trapped between science and spirituality, between scepticism and belief, in a way that captured wider cultural themes of the time. Fairies were also beings who had been overtaken by their own, revamped, reputation so that their place in children’s stories and more widely as the purview of children meant that adults who believed in fairies were immediately seen as childish and unrealistic, with the esteemed folklorist Katherine Briggs noting that the Cottingley photographs were advocated for by ‘cranks and [those] into Theosophy’[21].


The Cottingley Hoax

The Cottingley fairy photos and the narrative that went with them emerged several years after the end of the Victorian era, in a milieu of mainstream fairy belief that had been established and popularized during that time. The tall, dangerous fairies of Celtic folklore had been largely changed into twee garden sprites that cavorted with children and spread whimsy, and it was these fairies who were captured in Elie Wright and Frances Griffiths’ stories and images in 1917. The first fairy that 10-year-old Frances Griffiths claimed to see was a tiny man clad in green hiding among willow leaves, and before the photographs were taken the two girls both swore to their parents that they had seen fairies in the beck, but both were dismissed by the adults who saw the fairies as a story to avoid punishment over repeated misbehaviour [22].

In 1920 Both of the girls’ mothers developed an interest in Theosophy and attended a lecture, ‘Fairy Life’ after which Mrs Wright told the speaker, Edward Garnder, about the girls’ photographs; this information was later passed on to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who became fascinated by the photos, believing them to be genuine[23]. Conan Doyle had a strong interest in both Theosophy and Spiritualism, believing that he had seen his mother’s apparition after she died, and was so confident in the veracity of the girls’ photographs that in the article he wrote for the Strand Magazine he intentionally left out the doubt raised by one of the experts who had examined the photos, only sharing that the expert did believe the photos were single exposures but not that they couldn’t say the photos weren’t faked[24]. The careful way that the photos were presented to the public intentionally led readers to a conclusion that supported belief, through the lens of the Theosophical and contemporary understanding of fairies.

The fairy images that were used to create the illusion in the photos came from illustrations in the 1914 Princess Mary’s Gift Book featuring both small wingless fairies as well as winged fairies; the wings notably edited by the girls from the original small dragonfly and folded insect wings into larger more dramatic butterfly wings. The images were typical of Edwardian popular fairies but would have been unrecognizable as fairies in older folklore[25] showing how these beliefs and beings had evolved into a new iteration that was unrecognizable in an older context.

Gardner and Conan Doyle both leaned into Wright and Griffiths youth, exaggerating it so that the reader would assume the two were younger than they actually were to play into ideas that children were connected to fairies because of their innocence[26]. Many questioned the veracity of the photos but many also believed in their truth because they fit into most of the contemporary preconceptions of who and what fairies were, and because the images were captured by children, a demographic believed to be closer to the nature of fairies and more likely to encounter them. That same factor also worked against the photographs as critics, including members of the Fairy Investigation Society, pointed out that the imagery fit with the aesthetic of Edwardian children’s books, from the fairies’ outfits to hairstyles, and that they were in stark contrast to depictions of fairies in Celtic and Norse folklore[27].

The controversy which surrounded the Cottingley photographs captured not only the continuing debate between believers and non-believers in the supernatural[28] but illustrated the ongoing attempt to scientifically classify and study fairies which had fascinated Victorian folklorists[29]. Wright and Griffiths photographs were touted as irrefutable evidence of fairy existence, while simultaneously supporting the contemporary popular ideas of who and what fairies were. Theosophy played a role in both shaping those views in the decades leading up to the events and in promoting the photos.



The Cottingley fairies became a legend in their own right and have persisted even after Wright and Griffiths admitted that the photos had been faked, perhaps because even now the story and images play into the imagination and the popular ideas of fairies which still remains a hundred years later. So strong has this influence been since the late 19th century that the image of the small winged child as fairy is now a cultural standard, found in art, fiction, and modern media including television and movies. Theosophy has left a permanent and perhaps indelible mark on fairy belief which combined with the Victorian era’s reshaping of fairies into the purview of children to create the twee winged beings of Wright and Griffiths’ photographs as well as innumerable others found across fiction and into modern anecdotal accounts of fairies.







Bihet, Francesca, Late-Victorian Folklore: Constructing the Science of Fairies, Revenant Journal 2021. Accessed February 20th 2024 from

Blavatsky, Helena, 1893, Elementals. Accessed on February 25th 2024

Briggs, Katherine, The Fairies in Tradition and Literature. Routledge, New York New York, 1967

Johnson, Marjorie. Seeing Fairies. Anomalist Books: San Antonio Texas, 2014

Kipling, Rudyard. Puck of Pook’s Hill. MacMillan; London. 1906

Kruse, J., (2019) "Ray of Light" Tinkerbell and Luminous Fairies', Accessed on February 23, 2024

Paracelsus (nd) Tractatus IV Accessed on February 24, 2024

Pazdziora, J. Patrick. ‘Cynical Mysticism’. Literature and Theology, vol 31 no 3, September 2017, pp 285-304 Published by: Oxford University Press. Stable URL:

Purkiss, Diane. At the Bottom of the Garden: A Dark History of Fairies, Hobgoblins, and Other Troublesome Things. New York, New York; New York University Press, 2000

Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. 1980. Accessed February 22, 2024 from

Silver, Carole. ‘On the Origins of Fairies: Victorians, Romantics, and Folk Belief’. Browning Institute Studies, Vol. 14, The Victorian Threshold (1986), pp. 141-156

Silver, Carole. Strange & Secret Peoples: Fairies and the Victorian Consciousness, 1999

Smith, Paul. ‘The Cottingley Fairies: The End of a Legend’. In The Good People: New Fairylore Essays edited by Peter Narvaez. 371 – 405. Lexington, Kentucky, The University Press of Kentucky, 1991

Theosophy World, 2024. ‘Fairies’ Accessed February 24, 2024

Woodyard, Chris. ‘The Many Roads to Fairyland’, Ohio State University: Fairies and the Fantastic Conference, 2019

Young, Simon, (2023) Cottingley Fairy Interviews. Accessed on February 20, 2024



[1] Katherine Briggs, The Fairies in Tradition and Literature, 14

[2] Ibid, 3

[3] Rudyard Kipling, Puck of Pook’s Hill, 11

[4] Paracelsus (nd) Tractatus IV Accessed on February 24, 2024

[5] Theosophy World, 2024. ‘Fairies’ Accessed February 24, 2024

[6] Helena Blavatsky, ‘Elementals’, 1893. Accessed February 25, 2024

[7] Theosophy World, ‘Fairies’

[8] ibid

[9] Purkiss, Diane. At the Bottom of the Garden: A Dark History of Fairies, Hobgoblins, and Other Troublesome Things. 2000. 285

[10] Silver, Carole. Strange & Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness. 40

[11] Pazdziora, J. Patrick. ‘Cynical Mysticism’. Literature and Theology, 287

[12] Silver, 39

[13]  Chris Woodyard, ‘The Many Roads to Fairyland’, Ohio State University: Fairies and the Fantastic Conference, 2019

[14] William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet

[15] Purkiss, 181 & 182

[16] Silver, 187

[17] John Kruse, 2019

[18] Briggs, The Fairies in Tradition and Literature, 249

[19] Purkiss, 287-288

[20] Pazdziora, 285-286

[21] Bihet, Francesca, Late-Victorian Folklore: Constructing the Science of Fairies, Revenant Journal 2021. 113-114

[22] Smith, Paul. ‘The Cottingley Fairies: The End of a Legend’. In The Good People: New Fairylore Essays edited by Peter Narvaez, 374

[23] Purkiss, 286

[24] ibid, 287

[25] Bihet, 113

[26] Ibid, 288

[27] Bihet, 112-113

[28] Smith, Paul. ‘The Cottingley Fairies: The End of a Legend’. In The Good People: New Fairylore Essays edited by Peter Narvaez, 372

[29] Silver, Carole. ‘On the Origins of Fairies: Victorians, Romantics, and Folk Belief’. Browning Institute Studies, Vol. 14, The Victorian Threshold, 142 - 143

Sunday, August 18, 2024

7 Signs of a Good Fairy Book

 Several years ago I wrote about 7 Signs of  a Bad Fairy Source so I thought today I'd take a look at the opposite and talk about things to look for in good books on the subject. With, of course, the understanding that 'bad' and 'good' are subjective and that this is my opinion on what can constitute a good source of information.

Young's 'The Boggart' is an excellent source for boggart beliefs

  1. Clear References - if the book is non-fiction and is presenting information gathered from outside the author's personal experiences then sources should be clearly cited and referenced so that you can track them down for yourself. Seeing citations is usually an indication of a more trustworthy book - although I do also encourage people to go to those sources directly for themselves as well. 
  2. Clear Focus - a good fairy source should be upfront and open about its intentions and focus. If its relaying wider folklore the reader should know that and if its sharing personal experiences the reader should know that too. 
  3. Differentiates non-fiction and fiction - Despite a rather widespread misunderstanding of the two topics folklore isn't fiction and vice versa. It is possible for things to begin in fiction and migrate into belief, but still the two subjects should be understood as different. Folklore represents the beliefs and practices of people or groups, whereas fiction is entertainment. While the two can get a bit muddy and overlap there is nonetheless a distinction that must be noted, especially where modern urban fantasy is concerned. If a book is discussing fiction alongside folk belief then the two should be clearly defined. 
  4. Personal Experiences Are Presented As Such - personal experiences are a vital part of modern fairy belief and shouldn't be discounted. That said a good fairy source will be very clear when something is personal experience, and offer wider grounding for that experience. 
  5. Context Is Provided - Fairy belief is something that almost always requires context, so a good source will offer that. This may include discussing when and where a story occured, or it may be about explaining any issues with the source that shared the story. For example if Yeats is used as a source it would be ideal to contextualize his material by explaining his relationship to Irish culture (he was Anglo-Irish and grew up for period is England), language (he didn't speak Irish), wider career (he was primarily a poet and author of fiction), and occult interests (he was influenced by Theosophy and the Golden Dawn). All of these factors effect the fairy stories he shared and hos much they can or should be trusted.  
  6. Solid Bibliography -  when I get a new book the first thing I do is look at the bibliography to get an idea of both the sources being drawn on and the wider quality of the text. A book without a bibliography is rarely a good sign, unless it purely personal experiences being shared, but a book with a strong bibliography which touches on a range of sources related to the subject is usually a good sign.  
  7. Terms - any terms used, especially those coming from outside the source's language should be explained and used correctly. A good way to vet a source in English for example is to look for any non-English terms used, how the source if defining them, and then cross check that against an established trustworthy source or dictionary. Solid sources will be in line with wider understandings of a word, while less trustworthy sources will redefine things without concern for the source language. For example if you find bean sidhe (banshee) in a text and its defined as anything except fairy woman or Otherworldly woman, than that source shouldn't be trusted, but if you have a source that does line up with those definitions that's a good sign. 
These are only guidelines, but they are what I personally use when looking at books on fairies and related subjects and I have found them very helpful. Obviously each bullet point doesn't apply equally to every book, as something written as a record of a person's own experiences wouldn't necessarily need citations or a bibliography and something looking at older folk belief wouldn't necessarily get into the nitty gritty of personal experiences, but in general I believe this is a solid list. I hope that this short list may also help other people to distinguish what might be a good book from a bad one.